Covered topics:
I. Who is affected by hormonal imbalances that cause weight gain?
II. What causes weight gain?
III. Why do hormones go out-of-balance?
IV. When do hormonal imbalances occur?
V. How can I find out if my hormones are out of balance?
VI. How do I get back in balance?
I. Who is affected by hormonal imbalances that cause weight gain?
America Tops List of 10 Most Obese Countries
Adults: An individual is said to be overweight if their Body mass index (BMI) is 25-29.9, and is considered obese when BMI is > 30. BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. More than 2/3 of adults in the United States are overweight; 1/3 of these adults are classified as obese.
Adolescents: Over the past 30 years, obesity in adolescents has quadrupled. Today 21% of adolescents are classified as obese.
Children: During the past 3 decades, childhood obesity has more than doubled. Today 18% of children 6-11 years old are obese. More than 1/3 of all children and adolescents in the U.S. are overweight.
II. What Causes Weight Gain?
First, a few hormone basics:
What do hormones do? – Hormones are part of the extremely complex endocrine system. They are responsible for a person’s moods, their response to stress, regulating digestion, fighting off disease, energy level, procreation, drive, quality of sleep, metabolism and weight, blood sugar level, when and WHERE fat is stored . . . and etc. The trillions of cells in the human body are able to communicate with each other due to hormones.
I think of a hormone as a microscopic mobile phone with a plug. The hormone’s job is to travel through the body to the right organ, find the right type of cell, and then successfully plug in to the right jack (receptor site) on that cell to deliver its message. LOTS can go wrong in this intricate process!
Imbalances in key weight-regulating hormones cause weight gain:
1. Cortisol
2. Insulin
3. Estrogen and Progesterone
4. Testosterone and DHEA
5. Thyroid hormones
1. Cortisol is a steroid hormone released by the adrenal glands in response to stress, or low level of blood glucocorticoids. Cortisol can stimulate an increase in blood sugar, suppress inflammatio
n, help regulate blood pressure, stimulate release of insulin, and help metabolize fat, protein and carbohydrates. It decreases bone formation. It’s part of the body’s built-in survival mechanism for responding to stress.
Today, we live in a world that is FULL of stress.
Whenever cortisol levels go up, insulin and estrogen levels also rise. [To understand what causes weight gain, it’s important to understand the functions of these hormones, and to remember this connection.]
When cortisol levels are consistently too high, the end result is an Adrenal Imbalance.
2. Insulin regulates fat storage, and is released by the pancreas in a constant proportion to remove excess glucose from the blood, which otherwise would be toxic.
Belly fat is the body’s answer to stress. When a person is stressed, cortisol sends a potent signal to abdominal fat cells that “this person is under duress” and to store as much fat as possible AND hold on to it! In response to cortisol’s signal, insulin rises. They’ve got a high level of glucose and have got to put it somewhere! The abdomen has lots of cells that are programmed to store an unlimited amount of fat, so that’s where the excess glucose is taken and then converted to fat.
If this condition continues to occur repeatedly over a long enough period of time, this person will develop a condition called Insulin Resistance, and is then at high risk for developing diabetes.
3. *Estrogen and Progesterone must be in proper balance to orchestrate many aspects of hormonal health, including weight. A combination of too much estrogen and not enough progesterone in females can lead to water retention and weight gain. Low levels of progesterone can cause heavier menstrual bleeding and PMS bloating. Since both of these hormones play a major role in regulating moods, an imbalance called Estrogen Dominance can cause depression and lack of motivation. This can lead to emotional eating, which stimulates the release of cortisol.
Women who are overweight have a greater risk of breast cancer, because they have a higher estrogen level. Fat cells are mini factories for making estrogen.
Another common cause of Estrogen Dominance in females is the use of birth control. The pill works by inhibiting ovulation. If a woman does NOT ovulate, the ovary is unable to secrete progesterone. [Along with many other benefits, progesteroneis a mild diuretic. It is also a precursor to cortisol. Low levels of cortisol can cause fatigue, resulting in cravings for caffeinated and sugary beverages and junk food.]
*Note: I have used the term estrogenfor simplicity in writing this article. In actuality, there are three major estrogens: estradiol (E2), estriol (E3) and estrone (E1).
4. Testosterone and DHEA are both anabolic steroid hormones that build and maintain lean muscle and bone mass, support skin elasticity, sex drive, heart health, energy, positive mood, mental clarity, and metabolic rate. These androgens are essential for health and well-being.
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), like cortisol, is produced in the adrenal glands, and is a precursor for both testosterone and estrogen sex steroids. DHEA is produced at optimally high levels when a person is in their prime, and has been nick-named the anti-aging hormone. However, as a person ages and experiences an Adrenal Imbalance, the result can be adrenal exhaustion. When this happens, the adrenal glands are no longer able to produce DHEA at optimum levels.
Testosterone levels also start to decline as part of the aging process. For both women and men, reduced levels of steroid sex hormones cause undesirable symptoms. When testosterone levels start to decline in men, their metabolic rate will slow down, resulting in an Androgen Imbalance.
Based on the HIM study of 2008 “Hypogonadism in Males,” this decline in testosterone and DHEA starts around age 40. Low levels of testosterone in men result in loss of energy and drive, so they eat more and move less, which stimulates the adrenals to make cortisol, which spikes insulin and causes fat storage. As all this is happening, they lose lean muscle, and once depleted, fat is ready to take its place. The impressive 6-pack turns into the spare tire. As the amount of fat increases, the ratio of testosterone to estrogen changes. Estrogen becomes dominant, which can initiate prostate problems and stimulate fatty tissue growth. These fatty tissue cells have the ability to make and secrete estrogen, which makes even more fatty tissue. This vicious cycle spins out of control as this person gains more and more weight!
Important note regarding Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for men: Improper dosing of prescription testosteronecan cause Insulin Resistance and result in an increased amount of abdominal fat. With supra-physiologic (too high) dosing of testosterone, the enzyme aromatase in fat cells will convert testosterone to estrogen, and the initial “rev” experienced at the beginning of this type of therapy will soon be replaced with additional unwanted symptoms.
5. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, as well as the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body. A Thyroid Deficiency occurs when the thyroid gland is not producing optimum amounts of thyroid hormones. Symptoms of low thyroid include water retention, weakness and fatigue, intolerance to cold, changes in skin and hair, low body temperature, and weight gain.
Another cause of low thyroid symptoms is an excess of the stress hormone cortisol, and estrogen. On the cellular level at the receptor site, both cortisol and estrogen can crowd in line and block thyroid hormones from binding to the cell. Cortisol ALWAYS takes priority! This results in sluggish metabolism and weight gain!
III. Why Do Hormones Go Out-Of-Balance?
Hormones get out-of-balance when there is:
1. Adrenal Imbalance (hormones: cortisol, DHEA)
2. Insulin Resistance (hormone: insulin)
3. Estrogen Dominance (hormones: progesterone, estrogens (E2, E3, E1)
4. Androgen Imbalance (hormones: testosterone, DHEA)
5. Thyroid Deficiency (thyroid hormones: TSH, T4, T3, fT4, fT3, etc.)
IV. When Do Hormonal Imbalances Occur?
Hormonal Imbalances and weight gain occur when unhealthy lifestyles are followed:
- An imbalance in physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and financial aspects of life
- Inadequate nutrition (including low intake of vegetables and fruits)
- Depending solely on food for obtaining all essential nutrients
- Eating a diet high in sugars, carbohydrates and caffeine
- Over-eating
- Unresolved stress – problems that remain unsolved
- Poor sleep habits
- The use of synthetic hormones, OR improperly dosed hormones
- Lack of exposure to sunlight, causing Vitamin D deficiency
- Sedentary life – lack of regular exercise
- Long-term use of certain OTC and prescription medications
- Exposure to environmental xenoestrogens (endocrine disruptors)
- Not drinking enough water
- Eating meats containing artificial hormones
- Consuming dairy products that contain synthetic hormones
- Not eating enough fiber (i.e. juicing ALL your veggies)
V. How Can I Find Out If My Hormones Are Out Of Balance?
Lab Tests for cortisol, insulin, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid, hormones, Vitamin D, hemoglobin A1c, CRP, and lipid panel are included with in-home test kits.
VI. How Do I Get Back In Balance?
Balance Your Hormones
to Balance Your Weight!
Kathryn’s 5-Step Complete Hormone Balancing Treatment:
1. Prescriptions for bioidentical (natural) hormones
2. Slenderiix© Weight Loss Program — regular healthy meals and snacks
3. Daily intake of pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements
4. Regular, daily exercise
5. Stress management
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